I’ve been reading ‘The Gifts of Imperfection’ by Brené Brown.
What a great book, full of ideas to help us develop our self-awareness and encourage us to embrace our vulnerability in order to live a more courageous and authentic life….and so therefore, a happier life. Lots of inspiration here for me.
I’m especially interested in the concept of shame resilience and the idea that to be human is to experience shame. So it’s not about if we do or don’t feel shame but whether we’re aware of it when it’s happening (or not) and then if we are aware, what we do with that feeling and how we move with it. There are choices to be made and things to be learned. Good stuff!!
Brené Brown’s website is full of good stuff too. (I like following the blog and you may too.)
And if this all looks interesting to you, you’ll probably enjoy this TEDTalk video.
Lots has been said about the garden as a metaphor for life. Gardens show us the many gifts of imperfection, oh yes they do!
So here’s to our authentic creativity blossoming in the garden along with those flowers, fruits and veggies. Garden on!
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