The apple trees have received their seasonal pruning and the buds are swelling. It’s such a joy to behold the newly pruned shape of the apple trees. We’re expecting a monumental caterpillar year on Mayne Island this year. Everybody’s talking about it. It’s cyclical. Every 7 or 8 years the caterpillar population goes wild. [. . .]
Thanks Mayne Island
for being such a nice place to live…. What a lovely Thanksgiving weekend we’re having!Mayne Island’s last outdoor Farmer’s Market of the year happens on Thanksgiving weekend. So on Saturday, the sun came out and we just had to make sure to go…. Deacon Vale Farm’s truck stand is always a pleasure to see at [. . .]
Baskets full of apples are really just as decorative as flower bouquets…and maybe even more satisfying to admire at this time of year….these are “Spartans” and are so crispy and juicy right now. ’tis the season for apples and tree planting too…and there’s nothing like a tree full of fruit and baskets full of it [. . .]
the apple trees
The apple trees are happy now. Dave came over to prune them a few days ago. He’s a master pruner extraordinaire! He loves the trees and does such a good job. They’re beginning to come alive with green now….