Caterpillar with Lady’s Mantle. Caterpillar on Peony Bud. Holy kamoley! Two months since I’ve last been here and posted. yikes. And since then, the caterpillars have eaten up all the alder tree leaves. They have a voracious appetite and there are zillions of them. (literally) (no kidding) They’ve taken over Mayne Island. After they finished [. . .]
apple trees and caterpillars
The apple trees have received their seasonal pruning and the buds are swelling. It’s such a joy to behold the newly pruned shape of the apple trees. We’re expecting a monumental caterpillar year on Mayne Island this year. Everybody’s talking about it. It’s cyclical. Every 7 or 8 years the caterpillar population goes wild. [. . .]